How To DEFEAT Lifelong Trauma That Steals Confidence, Crushes Inner Worth, and Pulls You Into Endless Cycles of Self-Sabotage

Click the application quiz below to identify your traumas and apply for Inner Masculine Healing - LIMITED TO 30 STUDENTS

Jorge Goes From Chronic “People Pleaser” To An Alpha Male In The 1% Income Bracket Using Only Self Hypnosis Audios

Jorge Goes From Chronic “People Pleaser” To An Alpha Male In The 1% Income Bracket Using Only Self Hypnosis Audios

Charles Clears His Trauma From A Tumultuous Birth, Gets Unstuck, and Launches Into 6 Figures!

Charles Clears His Trauma From A Tumultuous Birth, Gets Unstuck, and Launches Into 6 Figures!

Mark Clears Lifelong Anger That Was “An Insurmountable F***ing Demon” In 1 Session!

Mark Clears Lifelong Anger That Was “An Insurmountable F***ing Demon” In 1 Session!

Better Than A Dating Boot Camp Approaching 100 Women!? - Ryan Clears Approach Anxiety In 1 Session

Better Than A Dating Boot Camp Approaching 100 Women!? - Ryan Clears Approach Anxiety In 1 Session

To The Man Who Wants More Out Of Life,

If you’ve ever felt less than… with low confidence… or feel like something is inherently “missing” in your life…

If you’ve ever experienced insurmountable anger… debilitating anxiety… or an overwhelming sense of doom…

If you’ve ever procrastinated or self sabotaged even when you know what to do and how to do the task at hand…

If you’ve ever had a materialistically great life but still feel like crap inside…

If you’ve ever been told you have all the potential but still can’t succeed even when mentors believe in your talent and skills…

Then you cannot afford to skip over the rest of this page.

I must warn you… as someone who’s seen…

The Darkest Parts of Human Psyche

What I’m about to show you if left unaddressed… could lead to a horrible, nightmare outcome… like hitting the self delete button and leaving this existence for good.

My name is Ryan Fowler and for the last several years I’ve helped hundreds of men overcome everything from:

  • Approach Anxiety
  • Cycles of Self Sabotage
  • Sexual Shame and performance issues
  • ​Fear of Failure
  • Chronic Perfectionism
  • ​Feelings of Loneliness
  • Lifelong Procrastination
  • ​Depression
  • Insurmountable anger
  • ​Feeling like you don’t belong

And much more.

Through my own battles with a covert-narcissistic mother who did everything in her power to make my life a miserable hell…

And trying everything from “happy pills”, psychotherapy, and other traditional means to fix my manic depression that developed in a troubled childhood…

I’ve discovered and refined a NEW method to help men overcome…

The Real Plague That’s Debilitating Society...

…known as Toxic Shame. 

If you’ve ever experienced negative self talk… or fought a civil war in your own mind…

Or experienced large amounts of anger, anxiety, depression or other negative emotions throughout your week…

It may be a sign that you have Toxic Shame.

I’ve found Toxic Shame to be one of the scariest things that any human walking the earth has to deal with. 

Toxic Shame is the devil inside your subconscious mind that makes you feel unworthy, unloved and feeling like complete crap even when you’re “winning” by society's standards (money, muscles, women).

It originates from your childhood and can get worse as you get older.

It steals joy, happiness and confidence.

It robs you of progress and success.

It can single handedly ruin your relationships with women and cause you to fall into a spiral of doom. 

I believe about 9 out of 10 men suffer from Toxic Shame. It’s such a massive, unaddressed problem that I’ve decided to quit my cushy finance job (that lets me make multiple six figures a year) to help men like you overcome this serious issue. 

It’s Too Important To Ignore. 

And while it may be scary to think that something this horrible can exist inside of you, I want you to know that despite the doomsday scenario I just painted you, there is hope. 

Real hope. 

In fact, when you defeat your Toxic Shame and overcome your lifelong traumas that sprung from your childhood…

Something incredible tends to happen.

Some men are able to clear lifelong rage…

“I never thought to look at my own situation because on paper [my childhood] looked really good. But after [clearing resentment] I had someone tell me like, “Your face changed”. I don’t feel as much [internal] pressure anymore.” 

- Gary

“I feel healthy again. I feel like I was sick for a long time and I didn't know I was sick. I thought that my anger was an insurmountable fucking demon. [Then after it] What the fuck, I’m trying to feel it and it’s not there!? I feel like I have a new life to adjust to. I feel, I know I have work to do, but I feel like it's new.”

- Mark

Some men are finally able to pursue lifelong dreams that they’ve put on hold… 

“I need to start researching how to be a car mechanic and stop wasting my time on being something that I don't enjoy. My [family member] told me that she wishes my mom was another person, but now I don't care. Honestly, it's gone. The resentment is at zero. Nothing.

I always felt like I had no purpose, or [just] lost. And for the first time in my life I feel like, “No man, what's your purpose?” Now go chase my dream and work with cars, you know? I always knew I always wanted to do it, but I was ashamed that I was gonna like disappoint my parents. I always wanted to do it, but I was like, man, I don't wanna disappoint, but [now] nothing. 
Yeah, I’m going to try to see if I can register in August on the schools here.” 

- Pedro

Some men feel much lighter, and much stronger than they ever have before… 

“It's almost like the memories are there, but the pressure's off. I feel so fucking cool inside right now. It's like a fucking weight off my chest. There was like 10 or 15, 20 pounds and it's like off now. It's tripping [me] out.” 

- Michael

“I just feel like so much more like stronger… like from here inside. [The bad feeling] is sort of just brushing me off now. I just feel something like, like just bouncing off me.

I was thinking about all those experiences, like from the past and the way I felt before about them. I don't feel that way anymore. Like those feelings just don't come. I'm in just awe right now. I just wanna like go like, just go do stuff. I like the way I feel right now. Like, I've never felt this way in my whole life if I'm just being perfectly honest.” 

- Eri

Some men overcome massive procrastination and self sabotage…

“I barely recognize my life anymore from back then. The biggest thing I wanted to work on was, you know, my procrastination [and] my interactions with family, those were the pressing pain points at that time. It was about a year and a half ago. 

[After the session] I mean, it is safe to say that I don't procrastinate on important things or even small things. It's hard to articulate, how much one session has changed my life. [There was] a 100% increase in income in a year and a half. The family treats me differently now. [When we] interacted before, it would be just arguments. You were just, really counting time between arguments [to be had].” 

- Anup

“I had a lot of self-sabotage.[I would] make a ton of money, then lose it, then lose sometimes some more. So not consistent enough. There was a lot of toxic shame about who I was and not being assertive enough. Not being assertive, not setting boundaries, being a people pleaser, being a nice guy. 

[I was thinking] because [I’m] not good enough of course people should abuse you. I'm not good enough. I'm not worthy of love, therefore I'm gonna buy your love. [After the experience] people at Landmark, they realize, well, you're much lighter. Like, “Yo, you're much more pleasant to be around.” 

- Laurent

And finally some men are finally able to pursue the women they want without getting anxious…

“There was a girl at the gym today. I'd seen her once before, before this session. I was like, just thinking about going up and talking to her. [The thought of it] kind of created that dark feeling that I had. 

Then, now… I’m thinking about, you know, approaching her…


And actually thinking about approaching this girl at the gym, next time I see her, it actually kind of gets me a little excited now” 

- Kotter

To The Untrained Eye These All Look Like Small Miracles

But the truth is these are the types of results I see All. The. Time.

Now the good news is that because I am finally going full time in helping men with their Toxic Shame I am able to help more men than I have ever before. 

However, that does come with a caveat. 

The reality is understanding your toxic shame can be tricky. There’s a lot of detective work that goes into it - looking into your past, re-defining your childhood, finding problem areas that were hidden. It’s all part of it. 

The detective work takes time and effort. And realistically I can only help so many men at one time in order to make sure you get the attention you need. 

That’s why if you want me to help you overcome this Toxic Shame, you need to make this a priority and apply to Inner Masculine Healing as soon as possible. 

Here’s How The Inner Masculine Healing Mentorship Is Going To Work:

First, when you enter your information into the quiz below, you will get a 1-on-1 Deep Trauma Analysis. This will determine what types of emotions and traumas are holding you back right now that are preventing the life you want to live. After that, with a customized plan will do your hypnotherapy session to reduce the severity of the trauma or completely remove it!

Once you get your trauma analysis call , we will create a customized healing plan specific to you and your needs.

Then, over the 12-week mentorship where we chop up and meet on Zoom once a week, I will be guiding you on how to fix deep childhood traumas that are currently plaguing your life. You will literally have the super-power of fixing your own traumas the same way I did. 

Here is how we will get you UNSTUCK and what you get in this MASSIVE Course:

1.) Over 6 hours video training on how the subconscious mind works and how to use self-hypnosis audios to heal subconscious trauma and optimize subconscious belief systems.

2.) 2 guided meditation and 10 self-hypnosis audios. 

3.) Training on proper self-talk and the Life Gamification cognitive mental model methodology.

4.) A 1-on-1 in-depth subconscious analysis and self-hypnosis session (approximately 4 hours per client to find out EVERYTHING holding you back.) 

5.) 12 weekly webinars to provide ongoing training, troubleshooting with clients, and support. 

6.) A VIP Telegram chat where clients can help one another, which Ryan Fowler monitors and responds to as needed.

This will be a hybrid group setting with individual work too

Imagine working through and clearing all your traumas that have prevented the money, the women, and the lifestyle you want.

Imagine just being able to do what you say you’re going to do, without hesitation, full of self worth and confidence. THIS is the power of removing your toxic shame. 

It’s no wonder why many guys who clear this shame become the leader of their peer group.

To make sure you don’t go on this journey alone, there will also be a telegram support group to make sure all your questions are answered. This is more important than it sounds because removing trauma can be like peeling an onion. 

Sometimes (but not all the time) there’re a lot of layers you need to get rid of before you reach the core. Which means you’re going to have A LOT of questions as you peel your “trauma onion”.

The idea is that with these tools above, you will be able to:

Identify the subconscious childhood trauma... identify why the negative emotions are holding you back... Follow a healing strategy that's worked for hundreds of men like you…

And finally move forward in your life!

Here’s What To Do Next:

If you think you have something inside that is plaguing your life. Something that you suspect is there, or know to be there, but you’re just not sure how to get rid of it…

I highly recommend submitting your info into the type form below. 

Even if you’re not 100% sure you have something going on behind the scenes in your subconscious I would still submit your details. 

Here’s why:

Many times, we’ve created a story to make sense of our childhood, but sometimes that story is false. And when we believe a false story, it has the potential to lead us astray and completely send our life in the wrong direction or show us a reality that doesn’t actually exist. 

“The beauty of the first session is that it brought so many things to light that I didn't even know was there. And I noticed an immediate change after the first session, an immediate change, an improvement in that, and other people even noticed as well.” - Ryan A.


I really hope you have the courage to join us. 

This is going to be a life changing experience for you if you take this seriously. I’ve seen many incredible transformations by sharing my process and I don’t expect that to change anytime soon. 

So if you’re serious about creating long, permanent lasting change in your life…

If you finally want to win the civil war in your mind…

If you want to quiet that negative self-talk and get over your insurmountable rage, crippling anxiety or that dark feeling of doom…

Sign up now and I’ll see you inside. 

You will not regret this. 

I promise.

-Ryan Fowler


[My whole life] people were telling me, dude, you have so much potential, but we just don't see it getting to that level where you should be. It was subconscious and stuff that [I] learned that [I’m] not important, that [I] don't deserve. 

I couldn't take rejection very well. I'm not talking about just women or, or dating, I'm talking about sales too… If I made a sales appointment and the prospect wouldn't show up, I would feel like, you know, “What's wrong with me?” I would tell myself it's no big deal. It's not about me. But to be honest, I felt like crap. And it would add up. It would add up every time, but then I would have every once in a while, a good sale. And then I would feel like, “Oh my gosh, you know, I have all this money!” and so when I had money, I felt powerful. When I didn't have money, I felt like crap.

I even read Robert Glover’s books (No More Mr. Nice Guy), but still didn’t have the tools to change the inside narrative.

Then when I went into the first session, you know, the first time I listened to the audio it brought up some deep rooted stuff man. I just felt like a weight, you know, got off my, got off my shoulders.

A couple of days later, I'm talking to my business partner in the real estate firm and he tells me, You look different. You don't seem grumpy, you look like very peaceful.

Later, I'm making a couple phone calls, sales phone calls, and he said, man, that's a big difference. I mean, he does, I mean, we keep each other, you know, accountable, giving each other feedback all the time to improve. He said, you sounded like you were telling the dude. “I'm giving you a chance for something good”. You didn't sound like you were begging him, like “Please buy this for me”. 

Now, I’m like in the 1% of earners in Mexico… ALL from one session.

I don't feel like I'm, I'm an imposter anymore.

[My recommendation is] If you don't fix the inner part of yourself, your inner core believes nothing is gonna change because you're gonna find a way because of what you believe deep inside of you, to sabotage yourself, and you're never gonna reach that. Don't wait. That's why so many self-help books don't help because it doesn't change your inside to give you the power to then use the info and internalize it.” 



I am a mindset coach. I teach people to, at a core level, unconditionally love themselves, believe in their ability and value, and let go of anything that doesn’t serve them. I do not practice psychiatry, psychology, counseling, or engage in any other form of regulated profession. I do not profess to be a medical provider in any way. I do not diagnose, treat, mitigate, cure or prevent any disease, disorder or malady, whether physical, mental or emotional.I do not make any guarantees about whether the techniques I use will have a positive impact on my clients’ lives or outlooks. 

At all times, I suggest my clients coordinate with their regular health care provider for any physical, mental or emotional issues. I never instruct or suggest to a client that they discontinue or change the use of prescriptions or directions from their medical providers. 

Clients must take full responsibility for their self-care, whether emotional, mental, physical and/or spiritual.