[My whole life] people were telling me, dude, you have so much potential, but we just don't see it getting to that level where you should be. It was subconscious and stuff that [I] learned that [I’m] not important, that [I] don't deserve.
I couldn't take rejection very well. I'm not talking about just women or, or dating, I'm talking about sales too… If I made a sales appointment and the prospect wouldn't show up, I would feel like, you know, “What's wrong with me?” I would tell myself it's no big deal. It's not about me. But to be honest, I felt like crap. And it would add up. It would add up every time, but then I would have every once in a while, a good sale. And then I would feel like, “Oh my gosh, you know, I have all this money!” and so when I had money, I felt powerful. When I didn't have money, I felt like crap.
I even read Robert Glover’s books (No More Mr. Nice Guy), but still didn’t have the tools to change the inside narrative.
Then when I went into the first session, you know, the first time I listened to the audio it brought up some deep rooted stuff man. I just felt like a weight, you know, got off my, got off my shoulders.
A couple of days later, I'm talking to my business partner in the real estate firm and he tells me, You look different. You don't seem grumpy, you look like very peaceful.
Later, I'm making a couple phone calls, sales phone calls, and he said, man, that's a big difference. I mean, he does, I mean, we keep each other, you know, accountable, giving each other feedback all the time to improve. He said, you sounded like you were telling the dude. “I'm giving you a chance for something good”. You didn't sound like you were begging him, like “Please buy this for me”.
Now, I’m like in the 1% of earners in Mexico… ALL from one session.
I don't feel like I'm, I'm an imposter anymore.
[My recommendation is] If you don't fix the inner part of yourself, your inner core believes nothing is gonna change because you're gonna find a way because of what you believe deep inside of you, to sabotage yourself, and you're never gonna reach that. Don't wait. That's why so many self-help books don't help because it doesn't change your inside to give you the power to then use the info and internalize it.”